Monday, October 6, 2008

1 + 1 = ...?

Yesterday, I was helping my 7 year old brother memorize his addition and multiplication tables. He was getting everything right and I was so proud of him! Until...I asked him what 1+1 is. His answer? 11. WHAT?!

I asked him who taught him that and he proudly told me that his teacher taught him. Are you serious? Either his teacher paid the college to graduate her with a teacher's degree, or she was having a bad day. But don't you think that she would have corrected herself?

It was cute the way he so proudly said 11. My other brother, who was doing his homework beside us, started laughing. Then I started laughing.

I think that we all spend so much time worrying and being impatient that we miss the little things that makes us smile. I needed that reminder. My younger siblings tend to bring a smile to my face. They are so innocent, cute, and funny without meaning to be.


Khalid said...

you paint a peculiar picture, my friend. My little brother is the devil reincarnated, or so he makes it seem. Perhaps it the fact that he's newly pubescent and his hormones are all over the place. I don't know but he is not the least bit pleasant to be around.
I have yet to see a pleasant youngster...they're all whiny and annoying if you ask me. Perhaps I'm the one who's bad with kids.

I'd like to see what it feel like to deal with the pure, innocent type of children..hehe =D

Sloppy Firsts Girl said...

That's so cute, kids say the funniest things sometimes. It's stories like that that make me wish I had a younger brother, or sister. Unfortunately, I only have an older brother. Not that it's a bad thing because he's the coolest person ever. But coming from someone who is the baby of the family enjoy having little siblings.

Life Outside A Mask said...

Khalid, all youngesters are difficult at times. But why dwell on all the negative? Remember back to when you were his age. Maybe some people that know you thought of you the way you think of your brother now? : )

Talbot, older brothers are awesome to have. I have 7 of them! (no joke). They are always there to help me out and they are protective (sometimes a bit too much lol).