Friday, November 7, 2008

No Time

I really wish i had more time to blog. I've been in bed with mono all week and I wasn't allowed to get out till I got clearance from my doctor. On top of being sick, my dad is getting deployed this Sunday. I haven't been able to hangout with him because of the mono.

It's going to be tough around here without my dad. My mom now has 20 kids to take care of all by herself. 2 of those kids are newborn babies who requires her attention 24/7. Us older kids are trying our very best to help our mom out. She needs it.

My dad is going to Qatar. It's right above Saudi Arabia, near the Persian Gulf. What he is doing there is all top secret. So he isn't at liberty to tell us anything in detail. But we do know that he is guarding a facility. Thats all we know. We all bought paper and envelopes so that we can write to him everyday.

I love my baby sister and brother. But they take up a lot of time. I haven't been able to get any sleep at all because I help my mom take care of them at night. The most sleep I've gotten this week is an hour to 1.5 hours of sleep. But it's worth it. They are so adorable. I love watching them become aware of their surroundings.

I'll try to blog some more later. Like I said: I have no time.

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